Mass Coaching and Training

Mass-coaching for 50 to 60 participants

Training intervention in 6 sessions

  1. The model

Self-coaching or Self-transformation toward excellence, consist of Self-observation and Self-correction with authenticity. Self-coaching empowers people to be more in charge of their own career and to strive toward excellence.

  1. Self-observation requires a higher level of awareness to focus on what is relevant and to notice what grabs my attention.
  2. Self-correction requires a higher motivation to change with compassion what needs to be changed even if that makes “me” uncomfortable.

Authenticity requires a deeper knowledge of what I identify myself with.

  1. Therefore 3 key Meta-skills needs to be developed and measured

2.1 Greater awareness regarding myself in any situation and my relationship with others. This will lead to a wider observation enhancing strategic thinking.

“We already and always have a RELATIONSHIP with everyone and everything we encounter, whether we are aware of it or not.” – Medard BOSS

It will allow me to get some answers regarding a fundamental question: What is it that I don’t know I don’t know but I should know? What can I learn from people?

2.2 Becoming more authentic: Clarifying what is important and motivates me (my values) as well as my guiding principles (my beliefs) will guide me toward a more appropriate role for me in the organisation where my values can be activated and therefore where I can be self-motivated because I feel good in my own skin while doing my job.

Authenticity will allow me to understand my personal talents and my vision so that I can operate more often in the flow and enhance them by transfering/exchanging my “Success DNA” with other professionals in the organisation.

The depth where I can communicate with others is limited by the depth of my communication with myself! When I know what makes me tick, it becomes easier for me to detect what makes you tick and respect your values! Knowing who I am will increase my objectivity through an awareness of my projections. Etc..

Authenticity means also to be in the experience as well as thinking about the experience. This integrated wisdom will enhance my capability to deliver a better “customer experience”.

Becoming more authentic will reveal some answers regarding another fundamental question: What is it that I know that I didn’t ‘know, I knew?  Are my values aligned with the culture of the organisation?

2.3 Greater compassion: Ken Wilber said that nobody is clever enough to be 100% wrong! The opposite is also true that nobody is clever enough to be 100% right! Compassion consists of being humble enough to seek and include in the wisdom of all the parties to enrich the decision making. This will eliminate potential passive resistance from participants that would have been felt excluded from the decision. It will create also an “innovative way of doing things” through welcoming diversity and dealing with incompatibilities.

  1. Measurements

Outcome: Personal development plan for Self-coaching (Change behaviour that will unleash my full potential)

What is your untapped potential (Johari window)? List all the areas for personal development that will maximise your potential.

Before the training and after the training

3.1 Overall quantitative measurements (Cumulating points before and after the training)

  • Fluidity (1 point per item): How many more items on your list after the training?
  • Originality (2 points per items) : How many of these additional items are really new for you?
  • Values (3 points per items) : How many of these additional items will have great impact?
  • Feasibility (4 points per item): How many of these additional items are easy and practical to implement in your work?
  • Done. How many of these additional items did you already implement during the period of the training (5 points per items)

3.2 Overall qualitative measurement

  • What did you like the most?
  • What did you like the least?
  • What frustrated you during the training?
  • What would you like to change?

3.3 Greater awareness

Becoming more aware: At the beginning and the end of the training

Before: Describe fully your experience right now?

After: Describe fully your experience right now?

Measurement: (Whole brain activation, How many senses used, internal and external awareness, Field awareness, etc…)

3.4 Becoming more authentic.

Knowing myself better: At the beginning and the end of the training

Who are you (IDENTITY)? What is your story?

What is your personal vision?

What should you start, stop, continue doing (BEHAVIOUR)?

What are your talents (SWOT)?

What motivates you? (Values)

What limits you? (Beliefs)

3.5 Greater compassion.

Dealing with incompatibilities. Give examples.

Learning from the knowledge and wisdom of other people. Give examples.


4.1 Who am I? (Based on NLP model)

What is my story?

How am I operating in my new environment?

  • Agenda for the 6 modules
  • Self-image and Self-confidence (Vision, belief, values, sub-personalities)
  • Finding my personal talents
  • Alignment and activation of personal and organisational values
  • Practices
  • Measurements

4.2 Building quickly effective relationships

  • Review of previous module
  • Authentic relationships
  • Relate to others with compassion and appreciation
  • Checking my talents with others
  • Transferring and acquiring talents
  • Practices
  • Measurements

4.3 Effective communication.

  • Review of previous module
  • Better vocabulary: The words we use, use us!
  • Response-able
  • The art of listening
  • The art of questioning
  • Giving constructive feedback
  • Practices
  • Measurements

 4.4 Enriched conversations that open new possibilities and motivate people to act.

  • Review of previous module
  • Multicultural intelligence in a Matrix structure: How to communicate at all levels even when my values are different?
  • Whole brain activation: How to use 100% of your brain?
  • Practices
  • Measurements

4.5 Change management

  • Review of previous module
  • The technology of change
  • How do I adapt quicker to change?
  • State management
  • Practices
  • Measurements

 4.6 Sustainability: Constant improvement through Self-coaching

  • Review of previous module
  • Synthesis and Integration of the 5 previous modules
  • Self-coaching and coaching others
  • Practices
  • Measurements


  1. Classroom (Find a perfect venue)
  • 10 tables of 5to6 participants. One paper board per table.
  • One leader per table (The leader will receive a set of instructions)
  • Elevated platform for the facilitators to speak to the audience and be visible
  • Facilities for PowerPoint presentation and Internet connection (Music)
  • Possibility to work 2×2 or 4×4 inside and outside of the classroom to do exercises

Contact Us for More Information:


+27 82 556 0441

[email protected]

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